Monday, August 10, 2015

Not too bad for an old man

I was able to win the open superheavies with a 1488 total Saturday at my first powerlifting meet in 13 years. I had a great time with some old friends and met some new ones. I went 8 for 9 with my only miss being my final deadlift after I had secured the win with my second. My lower back decided that I was done for the day when the third deadlift came off of the floor. I finished with a 529 squat, a 342 bench and a 617 deadlift. I had hoped for a little more, but this raw total was only 83 lbs off of my all time best geared total from 2002. Not sure at this point if I will do any more meets between now and then, but I am definitely in for 2016 Raw Nationals in Atlanta.

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

As ready as I'm gonna' get.

In four days I'll compete in my first powerlifting meet in thirteen years. I never intentionally stopped powerlifting, I just got distracted by other things when there weren't any good powerlifting meets close to home. I played semi-pro football in 2004 and I've been competing in strongman since 2006. When the USAPL announced that RAW Nationals was coming to Atlanta in 2016, I knew it was time for me to return to the platform. Saturday I will qualify for 2016 Nationals.

Tuesday 8/4/15

Bench Press
135 x 8 x 2
225 x 5
275 x 3
310 x 1 paused

Monday, August 3, 2015